During the days of our meeting in Moraira, the youth workers from the different organisations have been developing their partnership ideas and their projects, and these are the fruits of these conversations:
Project1: Inclusion of people with phisical disabilities using sports as a tool. A project to raise awareness about the life of people with phisical disabilities, in a wheelchair, where youth will have time to share and discover their cultures and lifes. Activities like cultural visits, meeting authorities and adapted sports will take place in France during the exchange. Countries involved: Germany, France, Croatia, Portugal.

Project2: Inclusion through short-movies. Participants of this youth exchange will have to decide together one of the challenges of inclusion and develop a short movie during the days of the exchange to show it. This will improve the awareness of their own and the community about the different «faces» of discrimination. Workshops, debates and interviews about inclusion and youth. Countries: Italy, Portugal, Croatia.
Project3: Inclusion through arts. Using the arts connected with the publicity making, campaigns and having fun. The main concept will be to live the lives of the people suffering discrimination in order to understand the streotypes and situations. We will also work on critical thinking and media literacy, in order to prevent situations like, for example, cyberbulling. During the exchange we will create a campaign to break stereotypes, discrimination that youth faces and raise awareness about vulnerable groups. Using technics such as arts, street arts workshops, etc. EU has a priority for these topics, so this is aligned with the EU direction. 6days with 25 people from 5 countries.
Project4: Games for INCLUSION. Understanding the challenges faced by people with special needs and in risk of exclusion. Working towards the end of discrimination of (dis)abled people. The target group of the project is people without disabilities and they must be interested in discovering more about how to end with discrimination. There is an EU Disability Right Strategy that provides an umbrella to all the activities of the project. The programme of the week will be focused in the different abilities through games. Activities for the different disabilities will range from blind (blind-tasting activity, braile workshop…), deaf (sharades, vibration song-guessing…), autism (sensory overload activity and watching the series from Netflix «Atipical», visual icons and diagrams…), wheelchair (games to raise awareness of life in a wheelchair…), speaking.