Hui dia 20 d’abril hem tingut la sort de rebre una visita molt especial al nostre intercanvi d’Alcossebre. El director general del IVAJ Jesus Martí…
Ver más Visita del Jesus Martí (Dtor.Gral. IVAJ)Categoría: YE21
Ruralship: Youth Power
Aquest és un projecte d’intercanvi dins del programa Erasmus +, on un grup de joves viatja per uns quants dies a un país dins de…
Ver más Ruralship: Youth PowerYouth Exchange 17-24/April/2022: ALCOSSEBRE
After some changes in our plans (due to the consequences of the war…), we have finally agreed on a venue for our youth exchange… we…
Ver más Youth Exchange 17-24/April/2022: ALCOSSEBREPreparation meeting
We had a new preparation meeting with the partners from Latvia and Poland, and this time also a potential new group from Italy joined. We…
Ver más Preparation meetingBuilding the group – Oct2021
The Spanish team is getting ready to start planning the activities.
Ver más Building the group – Oct2021